- Home
- Staff
- Pastor: Terry Hilliard
- Deacon: Donny Donaldson
- Deacon: Alvis Ferrell
- Deacon: Doug Rickard
- Deacon: Mike Yarbro
- Music Ministry Leader: Luruth Hilliard
- Children's Ministry Leader: Kim Puckett
- Children's Ministry Leader: Lisa Mensik
- Children's Ministry Leader: Tom Mensik
- Youth Ministry Leader: Stacey Hughes
- Youth Ministry Leader: Timothy Hughes
- Youth Ministry Leader: Jodi Butler
- Sunday School Leader: Angie Yarbro
- Health Coach / Website Administrator: Marsha Genter
- Ministries
- Family Counselling
- Grief Counselling
- Marriage Counselling
- Music Ministry
- Children's Ministry
- Youth Ministry
- Health Classes
- Photos
- About Us
- Prayer
- Member Area
- Sermons
- Touch Me One More Time Jesus
- Increase our Faith series\Power in the word of God
- Live Stream
- Increase our Faith series
- Live Stream
- Live Stream
- Increase our Faith series
- Live Stream
- Increase our Faith series\\Have you ever tasted the power of the word of God?
- Increase Our Faith series\\Where does your strength come from?
- Live Stream
- Live Stream
- Stand your ground
- Live Stream
- The struggle is real
- Live Stream
- Increase Our Faith
- Increase Our Faith pt 13
- Live Stream
- Increase Our Faith pt 10
- Live Stream
- Live Stream
- Increase Our Faith Pt 5
- Increase Our Faith 3
- Mothers Day 2024
- Increase Our Faith 2
- Increase Our Faith
- What is a Disciple
- God i put trust in you
- God goes before us and is with us
- After the Cross
- Friends
- What obstacle is in your way of God?
- Why Blame God?
- Enduring through the battle
- Obedience Comes Victory
- The Battle after Salvation 2
- The Battle after Salvation
- Are You Connected To Jesus?
- Hear Him 3
- Hear Him
- The Gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus
- Christmas Program & Fellowship
- What is to come Revelation 13?
- What is to come Revelation 12
- What is to come Revelation 11
- Gideon
- Live Stream
- What is to come 7
- What is to come 6 / Revelation 9
- What is to come 5 Revelation 8
- What is to come 4
- what is to come 3
- God is Calling
- What is to come
- Live Stream
- Live Stream
- Chance after Chance 5
- Chance after Chance 4
- Chance after Chance 3
- Chance after Chance 2
- Chance after Chance
- Jesus Prayed for You
- Bro Mike Daughtery
- How determined are you to follow Jesus
- People are quick to follow the world
- Applying God's word to your life
- The Father is with you
- Live Stream
- Let It Go
- What are you willing to leave to follow Jesus
- Pastor Clay Gilbert
- I need help with my walk with God
- Seven Spirits of God
- What about the cross
- Only the pure have access to God
- Does satan have your attention
- Learning from God
- Watch and Pray
- Choies can become curses
- I have this against you
- Mocking God
- Heaven or Hell
- Pursing God and your life will change
- What is real peace?
- Listen to what the word of God is telling you
- Do you Believe in yourself
- Christmas Day
- Why Christmas & Why the Birth of Christ
- The works of God
- The Works of God is Your Choice
- Lovers of ?
- The Lords Supper
- Do you hear the word of God
- Purifying Your Heart
- What will you be doing when the lord comes back
- Tribulations You Endure
- Cling To The Lord
- Call To Me
- Hold on to God
- Walk Before the Lord
- Who Am I
- What does the word of God tell us pt2
- Homecoming 2022
- Obey the Voice of the Lord
- Step out of the Boat
- Bend over & pick your plow back up
- Love Your Self
- Understanding the holy spirit pt2
- The Great Apostasy pt. 2
- The Great Apostasy pt. 1
- Bro Gary Martin @ Crossway
- Bro Gary Martin @ Mason
- The Promises of God
- Bro Barry Bowie
- Enter the fathers rest
- Do you trust the father in heaven
- Will your name be called pt2
- Will Your Name Be Called pt 2
- The books on Judgement day
- The World Will Be Judged
- Will your name be called
- Are You Growing Spiritually?
- Is God worthy of you?
- How do your kids and grandkids see you?
- Do you pray for your family men?
- The Supremacy of Christ
- The Testimony of God
- Walk in Wisdom
- Fight to Win this Spiritual Race
- What is Your Reward
- By Faith
- The Righteous
- The Holy Spirit Teaches
- What is the Holy Spirit
- Do you believe in the bible
- Walk in the Spirit
- The Eyes of a Mother
- The Eyes of a Mother
- Release yourself to the Father
- Are you a Disciple
- Christ loved the world
- Brother Mike words you speak
- Call out to Jesus